Friday, May 28, 2010

1967 Bernhardt Family Reunion


Amanda said...

Great picture! I'm trying to find my grandparents in it (Charles Edward and Gladys Irene Bernhardt).

I've haven't been to a reunion in years. Are they still being held?

Karen Miller McConnell said...

I can't find Uncle Charles or Aunt Gladys either, but it looks like David behind the tree in the second picture. Yes, the reunion is the first Sunday in August. August 1, 2010. Hope you can make it this year, we'd love to see you!

Karen Miller McConnell said...

Uncle Charles was usually the one taking the pictures so I think that is why we can't see him. Aunt Gladys may be in the top photo, second row next to the woman in pink. Liz Miller

Amanda said...

That does look like my dad behind the tree! My husband and I will try to get down to the reunion this year, if we can...

Karen Miller McConnell said...

I hope you can make it!